5 Mootool Dropdown Menus

Written by Saran on
April 23, 2012,
October 11, 2018I was looking for some mootool menus on the web to integrate in my new web template. I found number of sliding, accordion, collapsible navigation menus based on mootools. But what I was really looking for was dropdown menus. So I ended up with 5 mootool dropdown menus, which hopefully can be customized and tweaked according to template designs.
1. Menu Matic

Manu Matic is really simple, search engine friendly and effective navigation solution for mootool based web templates. I even used it with some of my Joomla templates, and it's just fantastic. Drawback : You might need some fix with ie6.
Demo & Download2. Menu by Atwebresults
Nice looking, Search Engine Friendly menu, based on
Uvumi, works even if there's no javascript support. Drawback : Looks like menu supports 2 level menus. I tried adding their codes in multilevel menus, and it doesn't work. May be I did something wrong?
Demo & Download3. UvumiTools Dropdown Menu

Based on Mootool framework, this simple menu let's you squeeze as many items. Drawback : Doesn't work if javascript is turned off.
Demo & Download4. Mootools Mega Drop Down Menu

As name suggest it's a mega menu, it can hold as many items in just 1 level, including images and descriptions. Drawback: Didn't work without javascript support, and no effects.
Demo & Download5. Visualdrugs Menu

A simple multi-level menu system based on mootool, it can be easily tweaked and integrate in your website. Drawback : Doesn't work without javascript support.