Saran Chamling loves the web technology, and enjoys designing, exploring and writing about it You can find him at Twitter, Google or Facebook.
While Laravel 10 no longer includes Laravel Mix by default, you can still leverage its functionalities for asset management with a few adjustments. For example, In Laravel 10, to add a JavaScript library to your Blade view, you can directly specify its path in the vite.config.js. Which tells the Vite to process the file for production mode.
Adding extra fields to the tables managed by Spatie/laravel-permission is a straightforward process. If you’re wondering how to achieve this, you can simply follow the methods below. Let’s delve into the steps required to extend the package’s tables with additional fields.
In Laravel, form submissions from a view to a controller typically involve creating a form in a Blade view and defining a corresponding route and controller method. Below, I’ll guide you through the basic steps:@csrf Name: Email: Submit
Laravel Breeze is a lightweight starter kit for Laravel that provides authentication, registration, email verification, and password reset features out of the box. It uses Laravel’s built-in authentication features and provides a clean, minimalistic starter template for your project. In this tutorial, we’ll go through the steps to install Laravel Breeze in your Laravel project.