Saran Chamling loves the web technology, and enjoys designing, exploring and writing about it You can find him at Twitter, Google or Facebook.
If you are on Windows, manual installation of ImageMagick on local server is bit painful, as there are numerous versions of ImageMagick, and you might encounter problems with newer versions, such as “magic_wand.dll missing”. If you are on Windows using XAMPP or WampServer, here’s few steps you can follow :Grab a binary file from (I used ImageMagick-6.7.7-5-Q16-windows-dll.exe). On installation dialog, be sure to check “Add application directory to your system path”. After installation, download php_imagick.dll from Make sure to pickup one that goes with your PHP version mumber.Place php_imagick.dll within PHP/EXT folder, which is located inside XAMPP installation folder. And then open PHP.INI file, find extension section, and enable the extension by removing (;) semi-colon or by typing exactly same as highlighted text below.If you want to install ImageMagick on linux platform such as Ubuntu this article might help.
Few months back someone sent me email asking me to write tutorial to get Facebook ID of any user using their profile URL. I don’t know why he wanted the script so bad, but he will surely be amazed how dead simple this is.
There are some excellent website builder online these days which can create awesome looking websites in no time, but sooner or later you may certainly want to start learning the basics of coding somewhere in your lifetime (if you ever want to take full control of your website in future!) The knowledge is truly going to help you in a long run, not just for fixing small things, but may be build a website from scratch, seriously! So if you are ready to venture out in web development world, here are some basic HTML and CSS resources to help you start.
After the deprecation of PHP MySQL extension in 2011, alternative extension MySqli and PDO are available in PHP. MySqli and PDO are improved version and offer an object-oriented API and number of enhancement over the regular MySql extension.