• Saran

  • Saran Chamling loves the web technology, and enjoys designing, exploring and writing about it @sanwebe.com. You can find him at Twitter, Google or Facebook.

Saran's Article(s)

  • How to add HTML5 input watermark

    No wonder you must have tried many Javascript codes before to achieve placeholder or in lame man’s term watermark like text in your form input fields. Javascript codes can be bit messy but of-course you can achieve whatever you want with your input boxes. But there another neat HTML5 way to place watermark text in your input boxes.
  • Joomla Facebook Connect 4

    With Joomla Facebook Connect 4, Facebook users can quickly register and login on your Joomla websites. This free Joomla extension was re-written from ground up and should work out of the box. Facebook Login module can be configured to show only login button or form.
  • 5 Mootool Dropdown Menus

    I was looking for some mootool menus on the web to integrate in my new web template. I found number of sliding, accordion, collapsible navigation menus based on mootools. But what I was really looking for was dropdown menus.  So I ended up with 5 mootool dropdown menus, which hopefully can be customized and tweaked according to template designs.
  • Ajax Add & Delete MySQL records using jQuery & PHP

    If you are bit familiar with basics of jQuery JavaScript library, next thing you want to do is learn jQuery Ajax to add and delete records from MySQL database table. In this basic tutorial we are going to do the same, we will focus on learning jQuery to send POST data to a PHP file and respond back with results or errors. Without having to reload the page, the Ajax technique is a very neat way to add or delete / database records, also it looks very cool.