Saran Chamling loves the web technology, and enjoys designing, exploring and writing about it You can find him at Twitter, Google or Facebook.
In this tutorial, we will be creating a simple Ajax-based Contact form using jQuery and PHP. Why Ajax? because your visitors don’t have to reload the page in order to send you email, they can simply click send button and the email gets sent instantly before their eyes, so it’s just fantastic, no more page reloads!
Pointing Paypal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) to your listener script is very easy, just follow screenshot instructions below and your script will start receiving any transaction notification from Paypal. You can also read how to setup Paypal IPN listener script in your website.Login to Paypal, click profile -> My Selling tools and then update Instant Payment Notification.Enter IPN listner script path in Notification URL field.
Sometimes we may need to test some facebook scripts in localhost environment, all you need to do is create your localhost facebook application just like any other application you’ve created.
As per Facebook, they are going to deprecate all FBML tags, and will be completely be removed by June 1st 2012. All FBML tags <fb:comments>, <fb:feed> etc will no longer work. So what happens if all FBML tags no longer supported by Facebook? simple, just switch to regular HTML and Javascript socal plugins, or use their Graph API.