Joomla comes with robust framework, modern object-oriented design patterns. With Joomla template development skills, you will have power to present your clients with various design options, from simple, clean to very complex looking designs. This tutorial was written for Joomla 1.6+, because at the time of writing this tutorial, Joomla 1.6 + was just released.
Creating a Facebook Application on Facebook gives you the opportunity to integrate your site into the core Facebook experience. All of the core Facebook technologies, such as Social Plugins, the Graph API and Platform Dialogs are available to Apps on Facebook. Creating Facebook applications is very easy, just follow the steps provided in the page and you are ready to go.
First make sure, cURL is installed in your host server. Here are few screenshots to show how component and module are installed in your joomla CMS.These are the screenshots from Joomla 1.5 admin control panel. Even if you are using newer joomlas, instillation process are similar.