With right selection of fonts, you can turn a basic looking website into something really inspirational. But there are thousands of fonts on the internet, picking something proper, clean and right font can take forever. But fear not, I have collected some of the best FREE fonts, which can be used safely in your websites projects. I have been using some of these fonts for sometime, and they have become my favorite. The screenshots are taken directly from firefox browser, there’s no Photoshop effects involved, but I have used some css to make it look good. please have a look.
Letterpress effects look just awesome in any color! And I am a big fan of this effect. If you are like me you’ll sure love this easy Photoshop tutorial showing how to create Letterpress effect on a white background using Photoshop.
There are plenty of great image uploader scripts on the net, but you may find them complicated to implement, especially if you are novice one. Those uploader(s) come with additional scripts and files which you may not even need, so sometimes your best bet is to code your own image upload and resize script, which will serve the purpose and keep things simple.
This jQuery snippet comes in handy when you want to move text/HTML content back and forth, the function below uses “is:empty” to check if empty element, and moves content from one element to another using appendTo() method, hope it helps.