Many hosting companies by default disables any PHP error reporting for security purpose, because it displays all the vital information and root server path. Which is certainly not a good idea and it might interest some curious and naughty people.
Disqus comment system is a very robust comment platform for any website. With its awesome features anyone can build an active community, letting people to comment using their facebook, yahoo, twitter identity or just as anonymous user, comments become more like live discussions with realtime posting and updating.
The verticle expand collapse can be achived using jQuery slideToggle(), but if you want to expand and collapse an element horizontally, you may have to write little more than just slideToggle(), because there’s no jQuery method for sliding element horizontally. Let’s find out how we can create a horizontal sliding element, that expands and collapse on button click.
MySQL INSERT statement inserts record in MySQL database table. We can execute INSERT statement using PHP to insert new records in the database table. For this let’s create a demo table in MySQL database, Copy following MySQL code in your PhpMyAdmin. It will create a table name demotable with 4 columns: id (Auto increment), name, email and phone number, and inserts some records for the demo.