Custom Animations are probably Google’s most noticeable addition to Material Design. What they let you achieve is a variety of effects when a certain action or input is observed within an Activity. For the purposes of this post I will be using a few of developer oriented terms such as Intent and Activity so if you are unfamiliar with them, then I do advise you to just look up these terms.
Recently I needed to create a Facebook likebox WordPress widget for my friend, which of course can be easily created using a WordPress text widget, but since my friend is new to WordPress and has no clue about coding, and to make matters worse, she wanted to display it only on certain pages like single and category pages! So, I decided to quickly create a custom WordPress Widget, which should be flexible enough for her needs.
Since my last post about Facebook connect back in 2012, Facebook still remains the top user registration source, well at-least in my imagination! And recently they have released PHP SDK version 4 with significant changes. So, today we are going to talk about it a bit and try and create a working Facebook Sign-Up page using their SDK v4.
If you are looking for useful PHP snippets, here’s list compiled from my previous posts. I am sure this list will come in handy for you in your PHP projects.