There is a very thin line between being average and first rate. The former is something that many can achieve but the latter does not come so easy and to achieve it, you have to give your best. If we talk about blogs and websites, you know how tough the competition is. Still, things have become lot easier, thanks to WordPress. But you must note that it has become so for all those who use WordPress. So, how can you stand out?
In the previous post, we had created a simple PHP session based shopping cart, now in this article we will integrating this shopping cart with our PayPal express checkout system. Main idea is to let users buy multiple items using PayPal, shopping cart collects the items users want to buy and then they’ll be able to pay for multiple items using their PayPal account.
Recently I was working on a WordPress theme, i needed to remove all the meta and edit links from WordPress theme header, because I was going to put all my jQuery script files at the bottom of the page to speed up page loading. Here’s what I found on the net to remove meta links from WordPress theme header, it just removes everything.
You may have came across some some horoscope or fun images of your friends, aren’t they just fun? well, why not create some fun page like that on your website to allow your visitors to generate a Facebook ID card, which they can save on their computer or publish on Facebook wall. Let’s focus on creating some authentic looking “Facebook ID” for the users using PHP and PHP Facebook SDK.