If you are looking for a quick jQuery snippet that toggles multiple check-boxes checked status simply by clicking “Select All” checkbox (like in Gmail and many other web applications), here’s are few examples that might be useful for your HTML form. I’ve used them many times in my own projects and they work great!
Password Strength checker is very useful thing for websites that allow user registration and password resets. Because most users want to rush up the process, and usually don’t give much attention to their password strength, which leads to poor security, and passwords that can be cracked easily. So keeping in that mind, lets create a password strength checker using jQuery, which advice users to make their password stronger.
Earlier browsers did not support HTML5 File API, so normally people would use flash or Java Applets to validate file format and sizes in HTML upload forms, and most of us preferred to skip the client part letting server handle the problem.
In previous article I discussed about loading the Google map on a HTML page, adding-removing the markers and displaying info windows. In this article we are moving to the next step, here we are going to load markers from PHP generated XML file, and we will edit/save marker information into the database, finally creating a total custom map for the website.