Amazon SNS Subscription verification with PHP

I’ve been trying to set up Amazon SES for my small group of subscribers, as I was done using Feedburner. Because we all know there not much option to manipulate email template, and worst, there is no API available to play with! So I decided to switch to low cost Amazon SES, which is exactly I need.

Convert Plain URLs to Clickable Links with PHP

Here is another PHP function you are looking for that converts any plain text URL into clickable links. just copy and drop it within your PHP project and call this function wherever you need to make URLs clickable.function plain_url_to_link($string) { return preg_replace( '%(https?|ftp)://([-A-Z0-9./_*?&;=#]+)%i', '$0', $string); } Usage Just like example below.$str = " is a search website, you can also visit and"; echo plain_url_to_link($str);

Using Facebook Registration Plugin and Login Button

Facebook Connect button alone can pretty much collect all the information we need from user.  But sometimes we need to collect additional information during the registration, such as favorite Color, number of kittens, movie star name etc. To collect such information, we can use Facebook Registration Plugin. Instead of just showing Facebook Registration plugin, we will use Facebook Login button and call Registration plugin later.  To make it even better I have used colorbox by Jack Moore.

Ajax File Upload with PHP, HTML5 File API and jQuery

Ajax file uploader is useful web tool, which is actually very easy to create with jQuery and PHP, and with new HTML5 FileReader API support, we can do client side file validation before even uploading the file to server. Today we are going to combine all these web features to make an Ajax based file uploader, which can be easily integrated into any HTML forms.